Rainwater is one of the most precious resources in the world. Fortunately here in B.C. we are gifted with an abundance! Unfortunately, the building industry has convinced most home-owners that water is a major threat to their homes and properties, therefore it being important to get rid of it A.S.A.P.! The truth is, if you were to use the correct tools to harness this priceless gift you would be years ahead of the building and development industry! Rainwater Harvesting systems are perfect for indoor use such as flushing toilets and washing clothes, or outdoor use to wash vehicles and pets. Best of all, you can water your lawn and gardens whenever you want in summer months as this no longer controls you by the city watering restrictions! If we install an in-ground drainage system you can additionally reclaim and filter any excess run-off water and use it again!
One of the best ways to use this system is to include a water feature! In doing this, you are able to enjoy and show off the water you are secretly storing underground! If you were to choose to include a pond with fish and plants, this would add even more nutrients to the water for irrigating your landscape! At this stage you would have a mini eco-system on your very own property. A holistic approach based on nature’s intelligent design is always the recommended route, but something as small as a single rain barrel does make a difference in the world.
Excavating the pit for the drainage system.
Installing the modular storage basin.
City storm-water systems have been created to take the water from our roofs and street to direct it into our streams, rivers and oceans carrying harmful chemicals at high velocity. This is extremely damaging to our local eco-systems and is causing greater destruction to plants, fish, and animals than the average person would guess. It’s through small steps like residential rainwater harvesting that will help to heal our local eco-systems and prevent local flooding. We aim to change the world with our clients to create a better world for tomorrow. We hope to partner with you on a rainwater project soon!
The rainwater storage system is underneath the grass lawn to the left of the pool!