
Any type of water feature adds a whole new level of pleasure to your home. Waterfalls and streams are loud enough to block out traffic and other neighbourhood noise (isn't that the main appeal of a backyard getaway—peace and quiet?). Ponds offer a unique serenity to your outdoor space, and those that are designed and installed correctly have their own self-sustaining eco-system. Running water brings a natural beauty that offers both visual and auditory stimulation to your sense.

Aquatic oasis.

When plants and fish are added, the whole yard is brought to life. Koi and certain species of goldfish are very interactive; the ideal low-maintenance pet! They can provide hours of visual entertainment for family and guests. Imagine hosting an outdoors dinner party, with the visiting dragonflies, the softly burbling waterfall, and the sweep of the colourful koi fins providing the perfect atmosphere.

Pools and moving water attract beneficial wildlife, which is great for the environment and your own garden beds. Birds, butterflies and more will pause for a bath or a drink, before flitting on their way. 

Serenely safe.

If you have young children, waterfalls and streams are great options for a water feature. We can install them without a pond, for safety and your peace of mind. Regardless of the size of your yard, there is always room for a water feature!

As you wish.

You’ve likely heard of Pond Stars the National Geographic show. TBO’S Green Landscape Systems works with the suppliers at Aquascape, the hosts of Pond Stars, and have access to the same materials and equipment as they do. If you’ve seen on TV a water feature you loved, we can build it for you

view a couple of our recent projects.